At the Tennessee Womens Political Caucus convention in Nashville this past weekend Bredesen spoke and was asked if he would run for President in 2008. He tapdanced quickly away from any real answer but my inside source says Bredesen has a campaign button (given to him as a gift) that says "Phil in 08". Since no Democrat has won the Presidency since 1932 unless he (or she) carried at least two or three southern states. Bredesen has to think about this more than he admits. I am are sure this had nothing to do with Bredesen writing an op-ed piece for the New York Times (link - login maybe required) two weeks ago urging that a national campaign about healthcare reform should be the mantra for the Democrats. The Democrats would do well to take his advice.
In other gubentorial news, the 2010 race has already started. Why do you think Marsha Blackburn is running that talking head ad? (looking for the link) Why do you think conservative Lincoln Davis sent Beecher Stevens, his chief political guy, over to run the Harold Ford campaign? Can Knoxville Mayor Haslam, Bill Purcell, Steve Gill etc be far behind?
1 comment:
I think that it is pretty clear that Kim McMillan is the Democratic front-runner. Her experience as the House Majority leader, and her accepting a job with a Nashville law firm places her at the top of what it likely to be a long list of contenders.
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